Wednesday, April 30, 2014

WTI Rotator DashBoard View

WTI Rotator DashBoard View

Make sure you Name Your ROTATOR FIRST and Hit PUBLISH.

THEN Add the first person and hit UPDATE. (You must add a person first!)

THEN Add your Affiliate Link. (You should see the new Affiliate Link with %s as pictured below (example) If you do not see the link there then it did not save.)


When you are ready to add people to your rotator click add user.


You will see a “modal window” pop up like below.
Enter your Affiliate ID from YOUR Affiliate Link.
And then enter your name.

Your Affiliate ID will be substituted for the “%s” character in the Affiliate Link Above.


WTI Rotator DashBoard View

WTI Status Posts In The Social Community

WTI Status Posts In The Social Community

Work To Inspire is a social community. We realize that FaceBook is your favorite and most useful place to hangout. We also realize that if you are serious about marketing you have been in Facebook Jail at least once. So the WTI platform aims to give you that unfettered access to have free discussion and huge chatrooms.

It’s important for the community and for you as an individual member to make at least 10 status posts from your wall or on other people’s walls.  This along with some other social requirements gives you access to new permissions on Work To Inspire.

To make 10 Status Posts click on the ACTIVITY link to see and post to your wall.

Activity Link WTI. Make 10 Status Posts


We want you to be able to create and use your own community/group here. Being the administrator of a group allows you to create Affiliate Link Rotators for your business team. We will talk more about how that works in the near future. So first, PLUG IN! Share some of your wisdom with the community and get to know a few others in Work To Inspire.

WTI Status Posts In The Social Community

WTI Orientation

WTI Orientation


Considering Work To Inspire as your business community platform? 
You are in the right place to learn about the FREE benefits and features of the WTI Platform!

So glad to have you here. If you have not Registered on WTI yet please do so now. 

Members get access to more content…just for being members.

Register On WT. It


WTI Orientation

Integrate Social Marketing WIth WTI Groups and Rotators

Integrate Social Marketing WIth WTI Groups and Rotators

We are working hard over here at Work To Inspire to upgrade our effective reach to the Social Networking world.  I am very happy to announce that we are able to post on 17 different Social Networks including Google+. That’s kind of a big deal! Here is the list of Social Networks that auto-post your blog posts from WTI.

Blogger, Diigo, Delicious, Facebook, FriendFeed, Flipboard, Google+, InstaPaper, LinkedIn, LiveJournal, PLurk, Pinterest,, SETT, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, and Twitter. 

So how do you take advantage of this Social boom? All you have to do is post on WTI. It’s free. As a member of Work To Inspire you can create Business Groups, Affiliate Link Rotators, Rotator Landing Pages, Custom Linked Landing Pages, Chat with your business associates and start hangouts in a static location. We are working to deliver you the tools you need to succeed in building a long lasting business community. Come become a core team member of Work To Inspire!

Integrate Social Marketing with WTI Groups and Rotators


Integrate Social Marketing WIth WTI Groups and Rotators

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

FB Groups Poster

Looking To Generate Unlimited Prospects, Leads, and Sales For Your Business Literally Overnight?

Need To Put Your Message In Front of Thousands of Targeted Visitors Right Now?  This Facebook Groups Poster Software Tool Solves That Problem For You With Just The Click of A Few Buttons! 

No Need to wait for opportunities to come your way when you have this software tool as this tool will literally create opportunities for you out of thin air.  Instead of waiting why not beat them to the punch.  Watch as you literally grow your exposure for any opportunity that you are promoting when using this software tool within hours!

Don’t Take My Word For It

Watch The Video Below

FaceBook Groups Poster Version 2

Here are some of the things that you will be able to do once you have this software:

  • Join unlimited Facebook Groups

  • Pick anyone and join their same Facebook groups

  • Vary the time in between joining each group

  • Gather all of your groups to post to them

  • Choose which groups that you want to post to

  • Post messages to unlimited Facebook Groups

  • Spin unlimited ad copy messages being posted

  • Spin unlimited url’s to be posted

  • Join by search term and from a list and by the number of members

  • Ability to gather open groups and all groups

  • Being able to post to groups and take a break in between postings

  • Option to post using multiple photos or a single photo

  • Remove from open groups and all groups and by selecting the number of members in a group

  • Move a post back to the front page of group by commenting (Post Bump Feature)

  • Disable Notifications for open groups and closed groups by selecting the number of members

  • Add open, closed, or all groups to a list by search term

  • Vary the amount of time in between posting to each group to avoid bot detection

  • Gather group member data by search term or from a list.

  • Quick setup of software to roll out a group posting campaign

Here are some of the things that you can do with this software that others can not:

  • Joining groups

  • Collect and join groups from unlimited Facebook members in any niche

  • Captcha solving added when posting to groups

  • Ability to hide password

  • Vary the time in between joining each group to avoid bot detection

  • Vary the amount of time in between posting to each group to avoid bot detection

Here is what you will need to operate the software:

  • A Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8 (Not MAC Compatible Unless You Have Parallels)

  • Microsoft Net Framework 4.0 + or higher installed



Order Facebook Groups Poster Version 2 Now

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Tower Garden Living

aeroponic garden picking strawberries

IMAG0276 IMAG0277 IMAG0278 IMAG0279 IMAG0280 IMAG0281 IMAG0283 IMAG0284Living with my Tower Garden outside my office window has become a part of life I didn’t know I was missing! I always wanted to have fresh fruit and vegatables but was lacking in the green thumb gene. I have had my Tower Garden less than a Month and have been enjoying the fresh strawberries and herbs in the first few weeks. I have watched the cucumber and squash plants grow and flower.
IMAG0279I will be adding the lettuce and other vegatables that I started from seeds to fill in the spaces I left open for them. The extension kit sure comes in handy for this.  The other option I have is the roller base. During the Spring, Summer and Fall in my area this allows to me to easily move and turn the garden to allow even sun on all sides or protect it from the sun during the hottest summer months when most people are unable to grow a typical garden my area.

muf tomatoes in TG outside picI will also be able to grow all winter long because I will be able to roll the Tower Garden inside on the days we have below freezing weather or use grow lights  if needed. The other lovely thing is the sound of the water! I have always had ponds with waterfalls in my yard but not right outside my window watering my garden!

My Tower Garden Website for information on becoming an affiliate for $50.00 a year please contact me.

muf price compare pic

Tower Garden Living

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The WTI Affiliate Link Rotator.

The WTI Affiliate Link Rotator.

The WTI Affiliate Link Rotator presented by allows any business leader and community to create a post in which they can share their business opportunity and work with their business associates to build momentum while sharing the marketing burden with the whole team. WARNING ONLY FOR THE UNSELFISH AND NON-GREEDY VISIONARY MARKETERS. 


Well it does require you to sign up for free as part of the community. I know it’s alot to ask right?

Tell a few friends…help grow your own community.  That’s what Network Marketers and Online Marketers do!

Learn More about how to use the WTI Platform and Free Tools

WTI also requires you to have at least Two Friends within the WTI website…and TEN status posts to show you at least have looked at WTI.

Then you are automatically given permission to create a group. AMAZING RIGHT?

Once you are a group Administrator you automatically have the permission and ability to create a rotator within WTI.

You can use WTI for any business opportunity. Well…almost any opportunity. We do not allow adult oriented sites or illegal sites. So have fun! Go for it! Get to know some new folks. You can also join us on Facebook

And LIKE our Facebook PAGE

There are several rotators already set up on the WTI Platform. See what’s happening below. 

WTI (Work To Inspire) Affiliate Link Rotators
The WTI Rotator tracks your Business Rotator Clicks for each member of the Rotator. See the example below. 

1Q.COM WTI Rotator for Affiliate Links

The WTI Affiliate Link Rotator.

Friday, April 25, 2014 Answer Questions for .50 cents or 1 dollar Answer Questions for .50 cents or 1 dollar

To get started CLICK HERE! It’s Free! Radically Simple. Companies Ask. Members Answer and Earn

This is a brand new launch of a new concept…sooo….

If you have questions feel free to leave a message in the chat below and bookmark this ALWAYS LIVE chat page so you can come back often.

about us

At 1Q, we’re entrepreneurs without egos.

We prefer to let the company speak for itself. Who we are isn’t important. What’s important is how we’re going to change the World by taking money away from corporate middlemen and putting it directly in the hands of people who’s time is being requested and who’s opinions are being sought.

It’s time we all stand up and stop being treated like valueless commodities!

We are advertised to…we are marketed to…we receive unsolicited calls and emails…and for what? Nothing! At 1Q, we believe if someone wants 5, or 10, or 20 seconds of your time, to help sell their product or answer their question, you should get paid, and we’re the ones who are going to fight the big fight, on your behalf, to make sure that happens!

Every retail business in the World can use 1Q to get instant answers to important questions or simply get an offer to the exact group of people they want to send it to, at the exact time they want to send it. And, every person in the World who has a text enabled phone will be able to receive those questions and offers, and believe us, that’s a lot of people! If you like the idea of getting a $1 for 5 seconds of your time, can you imagine how meaningful it will be for someone in sub-Saharan Africa who only makes $1 a day? (And, yes, many more people in Africa have cell phones than you probably think)

So will you join us in our quest?….A quest to change the World forever.

In order to get more customers using 1Q, we have to build a sufficiently large member base. The more members, the more customers! Sign up now, join our revolution, and get paid! 1Q, we pass the Buck!


Companies pay $2 to 1Q for every response they receive. Companies get market research from 1Q and you get paid. Facebook, Linkedin, Google and other websites use your information to make money and none of them pay you.

1Q is changing the rules; however, change takes time!

As questions come in from companies targeted to your demographics, we’ll forward them to you so you can get paid! There will be a limited number questions sent to your phone during the startup phase but questions are expected to increase significantly in 2014.

PayPal! You answer, we deposit, you get a confirmation. It may take a few minutes to show up after you answer. We send payments to PayPal based on the email address you gave us when you registered! If you gave us a different address, dont worry! Just go back to the About Me page and you can change your email address.

Simple! Login to your About Me page and change the email address from there.

No worries! When you make your first $1, PayPal will send you an email telling you exactly how to claim your money!

Don’t panic, they’re coming. Our customers ask the questions—not us. At 1Q we’re changing the industry to get you paid for your answers, but change takes time.

We don’t generate the questions, our customers do, and they choose who the questions go to based on demographics and geographics (where people are located). It is normal not to receive a question right away. You might not even receive a question for a week or more. It just depends on who you are, where you are, and who our customers are targeting.

There are, however some ways you can increase the number of questions you get. Note that none of these are mandatory, but will certainly help you get more questions!

1) If you aren’t using our mobile app, go ahead and download it! It’s much easier to use, plus many more questions go to people who are using our app and have enabled location services.

2) If you are using our app, make sure you have enabled location services for 1Q on your phone. Again, many questions are sent to users based on their location. You’ll get more questions if you enable location services!

3) And, finally, if you really want to maximize the number of questions you get, give us permission to post to Facebook, no more than once per week after the first couple of payments, when we pay you. To enable this feature, go to About Me and submit your profile!

Also, if you really want to make some money NOW, post/email your unique 1Q referral link whenever our referral program is active. You can access this link at the top of your About Me page and also see if the program is currently active. When active, we will pay you, instantly, every time someone registers at 1Q by clicking YOUR link!

1Q doesn’t charge any fees. The only costs would be standard text message rates through your carrier. If you have an iPhone or Android phone and you’ve downloaded our app, and you’ve allowed push notifications, all communication will be done through the app rather than by text.

Nope! You can also sign up online, and we’ll send you text messages!

Bummer. Some questions have to be answered faster than others, so always respond as quickly as you can. Don’t worry though, more questions are heading your way.

We make it easy to back out if you ever want to (but come on, who doesn’t want to make $1!)

You can deactivate your account by selecting the “deactivate” link in your profile or replying “STOP” to any text message we send to you.

Short answer: No. Sorry, you must have a physical phone number so we can assure that you will get questions whenever we send them out.


 Answer Questions for .50 cents or 1 dollar

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Best and Worst Thing to Ever Happen to SEO

In the space between art and science lies a discipline that’s been completely disrupted over the past 5 to 10 years — marketing. Like an awkward adolescent finally coming of age, marketing has finally been given the validation and direction it needed for businesses to make smarter investments. This is because decisions and resources are now, more than ever, being based on analytics, data and attributed sales. In the world of SEO, this translates into referring keywords, keyword rankings and organic user behaviors.

Up until recently, it seemed as if SEO had finally become a science, with mounds of data and standardized industry processes for reporting. Efforts to shape content around search engine marketing objectives were fruitful, and the data-loving SEO’ers became a staple in the modern marketing team. All was well.

The Best and Worst Thing to Ever Happen to SEO

Then, seemingly without reason, Google began to cut-off the life blood of search engine marketing and started encrypting searches and withholding search referral data. In fact, by the time you read this, Google will have effectively cut off 100% of the search referral data that was so critical to the status quo. Notwithstanding the remaining PPC referral data, this tectonic shift by Google sent a lot of marketers back to the drawing board. It was worst thing that’s ever happened to SEO.

Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably wondering why Google seems to have shot itself in the foot. While it’s easy to assume that’s the case, there’s actually solid rationale behind their decision making. For one, Google’s effort in encrypting searches for all users was a way for them to show good faith to consumers in the wake of the NSA spying scandal.

Secondly, it placed Google’s own Adwords advertising platform in a good spot because advertisements within the platform still pass on referring keyword data. And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, they were politely reminding marketers what their philosophy on content and SEO has been since day one…

“…make sure that you’ve got high-quality content, the sort of content that people really enjoy, that’s compelling, the sort of thing that they’ll love to read that you might see in a magazine or in a book, and that people would refer back to, or send friends to, those sorts of things…”

– Matt Cutts (Head of Google Webspam)

The recent changes and historical stance by Google’s team embody their efforts in trying to shift the focus away from the Wild West that is search engine optimization and back to the consumers and consumable content. While SEO is clearly still relevant, many efforts are for naught because businesses are caught up with rankings and pursue less-than-ethical tactics trying to achieve them. Thankfully, Google has started penalizing those that game the system, and reward those that make customers happy.

So why is this shift the best thing that’s ever happened to SEO?

For starters, it makes SEO more about the users and the content, and less about gaming the system. In the past few years, Google has really thrown down the gauntlet with updates like Penguin and Panda, essentially saying that if you game the system, you’re risking your entire business (because Google has removed and will continue to blacklist websites that game the system). It’s the long-overdue coup-de-grace for grey-hat and black-hat SEO trickery. For the good of Google’s users, great original content will continue to separate the ordinary from the extraordinary and the front page rankings from the long tail.

As an avid Googler myself, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I for one, see the future of optimizing for Google search as much more intuitive and straightforward. Much like how you don’t need map making skills to use a GPS, you shouldn’t need SEO skills to drive traffic via search engines. After all, it’s Google’s job to create the content and it’s our job to make it. However, until the day search becomes all knowing (I’ll give it 5-10 years), we still have to focus on making sure the information is provided in the right way for search engines to crawl and rank it. So be sure to keep up with the targeted keywords, site optimization, mobile and responsive readiness, personalization, redirects and so on.

As search comes of age, SEO best practices will grow in importance as competition rises and the landscape evolves. If anything, (not provided) shouldn’t slow down your SEO, it should open up a wider conversion on the need for a more holistic, customer-centric strategy. Anything short of that is now snake oil.

Ryan Connors is an analyst at Verndale.

Originally posted by:

The Best and Worst Thing to Ever Happen to SEO

SEO in 2013 Highlights and Breakthroughs

SEO in 2013 Highlights and Breakthroughs

Penguin 2.0 and Penguin 2.1

In May, Google released the Penguin 2.0 algorithm update and followed up with 2.1 in October. This next-generation algorithm targeted black hat spam, particularly links from paid sites or networks. Disavowing links or manually removing these them is important for sites who were hit by these updates. Penguin 2.0 and 2.1 showed us the importance of legitimate quality and content throughout a site. It also reaffirmed Google’s no tolerance view on spam.

In-Depth Articles 

Added in August, in depth articles offer high-quality content to help learn about or explore a subject. These long form publications feature targets proven articles from trusted resources that appear in the search results. Optimizing for in-depth articles includes article markup, authorship markup, pagination and canonicalization, logos, restricted content and free first click. The introduction of this feature again reiterates Google’s focus on quality content. After all, content still reigns king in the land of SEO.

Not Provided

Google’s move to 100 percent secure search turned the SEO world on its head. When the room stopped spinning, SEOs realized that the sought-after keyword insights may not be the answer to our prayers. As always with Google, this shift refocuses our efforts on what matters most: quality and relevant content. Focusing on just a few keywords will now get you nowhere fast, or about the same place Lindsay Lohan has been the past few years.


The mother of all SEO changes occurred in August. The latest of Google’s search algorithm affects 90 percent of search results and is the latest search algorithm update since 2001. It focuses on the meaning behind a search query, detailing the wheres, whys and whats in the search results. Overall, Hummingbird is a sophisticated shift towards conversational phrases and user intent. Change is inevitable for SEO and Hummingbird is one that we have started to embrace.

Hashtag Search

The introduction of Hashtag Search adds another element to the SEO timelines. Google now shows hashtags from Google Plus posts and links to the hashtag feeds on Twitter and Facebook in the search results. For marketers, hastags offer branding and authority opportunities. Likewise, hashtag search again reveals the value Google places on Google Plus. With this update, it appears that alignment among digital marketing channels is more important than ever.

If SEOs learned anything in 2013, it’s that change is inevitable. And thankfully, this applies to the entertainment world too.

Original Article at:

SEO in 2013 Highlights and Breakthroughs