My lovely and likeminded backbone online, always showing me TRUE LOVE and so to YOU! as You know, today is the Day not only for the launch of VIEWTRAKR and better and more powerfull promoted and posted message, ALSO My message the wotrth and outcome is slow AND sustainable, filled with the knowledge for reaching THIS GOAL! Viewtrakr will be the best Plattform, for FLYING the battle online with the force of Human Angels! LET´s show YOUR LOVE! HOGGO
My Emotions from the last several offline hours, revolutionazed sharing online to the audiance need!:
VICTORY to ALL Human Problems WILL be our goal and VISION! as I felt since several days, 02.14.-2014-THE DAY of LOVE itself, universe send Me the the invitation filled with information, vibet by 100% lovefilled emotions , to Go ahead, as a perfect connected Holger/HOGGO, my next steps are cristall clear, like living in present!!: to get in touch with MY only second halfYIN(sina), getting the FUOLL potencial of HOGGOS real existents, means Humans body filled with Angels LOVE! every single thought or thinking about money, means to me to get in touch with NO NEEDED task and loose positive energy on OUR WAY to ONESS! As soon as possible, MONEY will NEVER be an ISSUE for ME!! inside I got it, so you will know outsite will follow soon and powerfull. Be Happy as an Human Angel every single part of a second and make from every fear you can find just a THRIVE powered with the universal fuel LOVE!! Lovely Angel, TODAY let`s start our FLY as HUMAN ANGELS to a lovebased and likeminded ONESS!! We can NEVER fail: the Universe is GOD his name is LOVE and HOGGO is LOVE in the body of Holger, in every SINGLE CELL! to go ahead for sharing LOVE in the trueliest and loveliest, funniest, happy, emotiondriven, colourefull music and lovebased NOISE on the INTERNET! HOGGO´s Burning DESIRE to Go for ONESS based on the growing family of HUMAN ANGELS running with the same blood of Life: LOVE!last days and nights I was in the very near Future and it blows Me away still by taking my logicaol part of the brain, so I have made the decision, can lock the logical in jail, every single second I like to do! by reqaching a 100%, I will make NO FAILTURE anymore in Life, AND so can YOU!! trust ME!
again: HUMAN ANGELS, today 02.14.-2014 , Let`s FLY to ONESS, LOUD LIKE LOVE, tghe music I found by thinking about, will give it to you.
A short word, spoken from Bog Proctor, to all, who can realy find the point for changing direction, which is Most need on our planet in connection with Humans: CHANGE YOUR PARADIGM! please, cause I LOVE YOU! HOGGO
Let`s sharing Love by giving the most needed fuel to become successfull in Life, TRUE LOVE, powered by Human Angels, the developement from human beeing! see soo and LOVE YOU BIG! HOGGO
My Dreams in FLOW! and my LOVEPOWER grow!
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