Thursday, November 6, 2014

Content Marketing in the Social Arena

Content Marketing in The Social Arena

Greg Eddolls - Admin of Work To Inspire. What To Do Next?Within the idea of Content Marketing we have the critical element of story-telling. If you want serious results for your business, story telling is an intentional, visual and entertaining HABIT that needs to be exercised every day if possible.

We all SHOULD know by now that just posting some type of sales ad is tantamount to marketing suicide, especially in Social Media. Over the last year on Facebook we have seen tremendous rise in the use of images and video compared to the use of plain text posts. Why? Because human beings love to consume new, interesting and entertaining information from the world around us. I know this is true from my own experience and you are experiencing the same thing yourself.

So how do we create content that people actually want to consume? If you want the attention of your target audience you have to start delivering the content that people want. This means a whole new learning curve for you as a serious marketer. You will either hire or become the photographer, designer, reporter, videographer and journalist. You will either learn or pay someone to do your editing and content delivery.

The hard truth is that YOU don’t have time to become all these things and you may not have the money to hire out all of these professional services yourself. If you can afford it, good for you! The only thing stopping you is yourself and perhaps a lack of vision and knowledge.

Your audience reacts to headlines that engage personal curiosity and which entertains them with witty presentation. That means you have to authentic, original and clever to capture attention in your chosen niche. As marketers we used to be able to automate many of the facets of content delivery and even discovery of channels for delivery to the masses. We used to be able to game the search engines with clever automated programs that gained us high search engine ranking, but that era is over.

Google pulled the rug out from the black-hat and grey-hat SEO tactics. This action leveled the playing field for authentic content producers. They actually did the industry a favor by eliminating the lame automated abusers from gaining high (SERPS) Search Engine Results Placement.

The Search Engine movement now is towards continuous and relevant content production. That puts a heavy load on everyone and eliminates the posers and scammers.

Google stated at one point that they were going to now begin giving authority to those who already had demonstrated authority in their particular niche. I was exasperated by this very difficult reality. This meant no mom and pop sites on the fringe would be able to easily get high ranking results by using automated tools. So how are we supposed to compete with those who already have authority?

If you take a look at the search results for any Google search you might attempt, you will see that those SERPS include the big players like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Wiki…etc. So the solution NOW is to move your energy and efforts to ranking within these high profile, high authority sites that are literally channels for content delivery, so that your content is displayed within those channels and referenced by Google’s search engine.

So now your challenge is clear! Have you defined your area of expertise? Are you a true authority in your niche? Or are you just pretending and hoping that somehow spamming your content will produce magical results and make you money?

I hope this helps you get a grip on the reality of your current business model and a vision for the future of your business on the internet!

If you would like to learn more about how you can engage your chosen niche market, step by step, then sign up to be a member of our site today and get access to the training we deliver. You can apply this training to your local brick and mortar business, or to your online business niche. The concepts work. Build your audience. Gain their legitimate trust in your expertise. Deliver useful and helpful content and make a decent living from your internet marketing efforts.

And Finally… if you are serious about making a living on the internet then let me tell you from experience…. RESIST the urge to be in a hurry. You have some foundational infrastructure to build for your business and presence online. It’s going to take some time to build up your knowledge and experience to know where exactly you are headed. The WTI team is here to help you move forward with confident, measured steps to create a long lasting success in the business of your choice.

God Bless!

Greg Eddolls


Content Marketing in the Social Arena

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