Internet Marketing vs Online Network Marketing
What’s the difference?
Internet Marketing means serious business
Whether you own a brick and mortar physical store or an online enterprise WTI wants to deliver you concrete methods to help your business succeed.
Serious Business means:
- Tools for online marketing
- Learning how to engage social marketing
- Learning how to engage email marketing of your business
- Learning how to gain more clients within your realm of business.
- Increasing exposure to a well defined target market to sell your product or service to those who need and want it.
AND Online Network Marketing?
The Online Network Marketing World is filled with folks that want to use the internet for marketing and making money, but have no real product or service to offer. Many times these genuinely zealous and well-meaning folks want to be something, to do something, and to share their knowledge with the world, but they don’t really know anything substantial about actually running a business? And many of them do not even have an actual product.
Without a product or service that has a legitimate use and value, Online Network Marketing turns into a circus of money games, money cyclers, and endless pyramids and binary structures for “explaining” the “compensation plan”.
Getting hyped up and excited about a money cycler will only work a few times for many people. Some enlightened minds realize after a painful loss or 10 that it’s about knowing the right people and being near the top. This also means they know that most will fail like they did before they figured out how to be at the top. Continuing to be involved in that kind of business, and knowing that they are making money off the 97% who usually fail seems like a bad idea for a business plan to me.
While I appreciate the zeal of folks who want to change the world through fixing all the problems of network marketing, that is kind of like saying they are going to fix human nature! It can’t be fixed. Unless you are part of the top 3% that make good money you are wasting your time, and if you think being at the top of this kind of pyramid is legitimate business, then you have not learned enough lessons yet. You are just a cog in the machine and a check in the mail to someone else above you.
The problem with Network Marketing in general is that it glorifies the value of a Pyramid structure, or Binary compensation plan…in which the failure of the 97% of Network Marketers is almost guaranteed. Most of the people are paying the checks to the people above them without knowing how to be a strong earner themselves. After a while people figure this out…and then they are left wondering why they went on that crazy rollercoaster .
Internet Marketing means using the Internet to market, well, just about anything, including your brick and mortar business. Allowing business owners to express their passion and utilize legitimate tools to create, edit and produce content empowers that business owner to become an authority in their niche of expertise. Legitimate original content that people will enjoy and follow has to be delivered to the masses through several media channels and methods.
So what follows is this. Internet Marketing is the process of using the existing powerful Social Media Networks, Search Engine Optimization ( #SEO ), Content Creation Tools and various other Marketing Tools to help business owners attract new targeted customers who have an interest in their product. It also means engaging those potential customers in meaningful dialogue about useful content created by you, so that you can demonstrate your authority in your area of expertise.
ONLINE MULTI-LEVEL NETWORK MARKETING works for about 3% of the people. With the exception of a few long lasting MLM companies with good products that are available for retail as well as discount club pricing, Multi-Level Marketing has a bad name for a reason. The bottom always dries up when there is no legitimate product or service.
Seeing the continuous introduction of new money games and money cycler programs online into which people can throw money is really disturbing from most angles. The only redeeming thing about MLM companies seems to be at least an effort from real people trying to do something extraordinary. There is often great charisma, vision casting and hyping of a new brand that is going to ROCK the INDUSTRY! But it never does. It’s a zeal without knowledge.
In the end it seems like it’s yet another NOOB trying on their leadership pants for the first time and having a go at re-inventing the wheel.
Now I won’t claim to know everything, but I have been around long enough to know that if YOU want to be successful YOU need to invest in some personal discipline and infrastructure. You need to identify your passion and then go after it. I have a really hard time getting excited about money for money’s sake. How bout you?
If you are interested in using genuine tools and methods to build and reach your business audience to increase your bottom line then you are in the right place. WTI is all about helping you Work To Inspire your audience and build your business.
Check out the training that we offer to help you get started on creating original content to demonstrate your authority in your field of expertise.
Internet Marketing vs Online Network Marketing
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