Monday, February 24, 2014


ViewTrakr Live Orientation with Ty Thomas Get Your Game On!

ViewTrakr Orientation

ViewTrakr Orientations Take Place 3 Times A Day.

PACIFIC – 11:00 AM | 3:00 PM |7:00 PM
MOUNTAIN – 12:00 Noon | 4:00 PM | 8:00 PM MST
CENTRAL – 1:00 PM | 5:00 PM | 9:00 PM CST
EASTERN – 2:00 PM | 6:00 PM |10:00 PM EST

CLICK “JOIN PANEL” at the top of the CHAT WINDOW.

CLICK “GO LIVE” BELOW to view LIVE VIDEO STREAM and participate with questions in the chat room.

Pick A Channel To Watch ViewTrakr Pages Made By 

Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26  27

If you are not a Trakr yet then you must PLAY ViewTrakr first.

If you are already a Trakr then Request Your Page to Go VIRAL Now!

Play ViewTrakr Now Click To PlayGet Your Viral ViewTrakr Page


Saturday, February 22, 2014

ViewTrakr What's the buzz about Hemp/CBD

ViewTrakr What’s the Buzz about Hemp/CBD

Throughout history, hemp has played an important role. Here are some interesting facts:

  • George Washington and Thomas Jefferson realized that hemp was an important economic crop , although they had mixed success

  • 1942: the United States Department of Agriculture produced an informational film, Hemp for Victory, to encourage farmers to grow hemp in support of World War II

Today, hemp has a diverse role in the world. A few common uses for hemp include fiber products (rope, yarn, woven fabric), bio-diesel and food products. Check out these videos more more information on this very misunderstood plant:

  •  What is CBD? Take a closer look at the benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD) and how it is synthesized in the cannabis plant.

  • What’s the Buzz About CBD? Spotlight San Diego interview with Charles Vest, HempMedsPx VP of Communications.

  • Cannabinoids: Research and facts about Cannabinoids – Antiproliferative, Antiangiogenic, Antimetastatic & Apoptotic 2

  • Hemp for Victory: 1942  informational film produced by the United States Department of Agriculture

If you would like to see these videos without the blog border CLICK HERE.

Hemp Nettle

Thank you for reading this piece. I hope you found the videos informational and have a better understanding of this often misunderstood plant. Please feel free to leave me a comment!


ViewTrakr What's the buzz about Hemp/CBD

Saturday, February 15, 2014

ViewTrakr Orientation

ViewTrakr Orientation

ViewTrakr Viral Page Request Form

ViewTrakr Viral Page Request Form

If you are just jumping to ViewTrakr then this is where you want to start. We want to help you achieve the vision of your ViewTrakr pages and the entire ViewTrakr platform going wildly viral! That will bring you and your friends lots of fun and if you play it right lots of money!

How do you play it right? We have to share the fun aspect of ViewTrakr Viral Video Sharing with the masses. So we are going to make you a page that you can use to spread the FUN!

Please fill out this form below. The information you submit is all required for us to get your pages started inside your account. It only goes to those of us who are working to make you pages.

[customcontact form=1]

ViewTrakr Viral Page Request Form

ViewTrakr Camping and Survival Tips

ViewTrakr Camping and Survival Tips

Do you love to camp? Check out these handy camping and survival tips! Who knew a person could make bacon and eggs in a simple paper bag? A paper bag, afterall, is certainly lighter than a skillet and just overall much more convenient to stow away in a backpack.

Check out these videos that give you some nifty tips and tricks when you are enjoying the great outdoors!

If you would like to view these videos in full screen without the border Click Here.

I hope you enjoyed these ViewTrakr Camping and Survival videos. Share with your friends and family. Please leave comments below. Thanks for taking the time to view these videos!

Camping and Survival Tips

ViewTrakr Camping and Survival Tips

The ViewTrakr Plan

The ViewTrakr Plan For Success

You have requested a ViewTrakr Viral Page to be created for you and it will show up according to your request if available. Otherwise we will provide you with a page that we have seen proven results for (that has viral video views in the millions) 

So you want to succeed right? We want you to succeed as well. So it very important that you help yourself and your team to become expert duplicators of the same process so everyone knows exactly what to do.

So the basic first steps to follow are:

  1. Request your ViewTrakr Viral Page.

  2. Get Your self into an orientation with Ty Thomas the creator of ViewTrakr

  3. Learn the vision and plan that is going to help your ViewTrakr Pages and the ViewTrakr Platform to go VIRAL!

  4. Share your Viral ViewTrakr Pages with all your friends and social networks.

Once you have completed the live half hour orientation with Ty Thomas and you have a clear vision of what to do next, then it is truly up to you to follow the pattern we have created. But not just you! Your Team members need to get in on the action as well so that you have a true duplication of the process.

Click here to go to the ORIENTATION PAGE and learn when the next half hour orientation session is ready to launch!

If you have not request a ViewTrakr VIRAL PAGE yet then Click Here.



The ViewTrakr Plan

Friday, February 14, 2014

ViewTrakr Company Launch Update 2-14-14

ViewTrakr Company Launch Update Feb 14, 2014

ViewTrakr Video Marketing Tools

Hello Trakrs,

Well here we are as a start-up technology company missing the deadline for our next major release.

We sincerely apologize for the anti-climactic ” huge release scheduled Feb 14th ” that did not happen.

We will not let this happen again.

No hard dates will be predicted until new releases have already begun testing.

So here’s where we are as of Feb 14th 2014.

Alexa rating: 26,706 Globally and 4,668 in the Alexa popularity rating.

(Look at and enter ViewTrakr)

March Releases:

  • Back Office Team Organization view and commission tracking

  • Full Media Infinity Package

  • Enhanced page building features

  • The Alpha and Omega profit pool promotions will be extended till end of March

April Release: 

  • Page cloning

May Release: 

  • Scoreboards real time updates

Coming this summer: 

  • Trakr Pages with Unlimited “auto-play” video playlists

Anyone that gets FM upgrade for $49.95 before the infinity package goes on 
sale will receive the infinity unlimited pages with no additional cost.

Today is our One year Birthday! 

Thanks to you we are well on our way to becoming a major player in the social media game.

We thank you for your hard work and patience.

Go Trakrs!

ViewTrakr Company Launch Update Feb 2014

ViewTrakr Company Launch Update 2-14-14

My Dreams in FLOW! and my LOVEPOWER grow!

My lovely and likeminded backbone online, always showing me TRUE LOVE and so to YOU! as You know, today is the Day not only for the launch of VIEWTRAKR and better and more powerfull promoted and posted message, ALSO My message the wotrth and outcome is slow AND sustainable, filled with the knowledge for reaching THIS GOAL! Viewtrakr will be the best Plattform, for FLYING the battle online with the force of Human Angels! LET´s show YOUR LOVE! HOGGO

My Emotions from the last several offline hours, revolutionazed sharing online to the audiance need!:

VICTORY to ALL Human Problems WILL be our goal and VISION! as I felt since several days, 02.14.-2014-THE DAY of LOVE itself, universe send Me the the invitation filled with information, vibet by 100% lovefilled emotions , to Go ahead, as a perfect connected Holger/HOGGO, my next steps are cristall clear, like living in present!!: to get in touch with MY only second halfYIN(sina), getting the FUOLL potencial of HOGGOS real existents, means Humans body filled with Angels LOVE! every single thought or thinking about money, means to me to get in touch with NO NEEDED task and loose positive energy on OUR WAY to ONESS! As soon as possible, MONEY will NEVER be an ISSUE for ME!! inside I got it, so you will know outsite will follow soon and powerfull. Be Happy as an Human Angel every single part of a second and make from every fear you can find just a THRIVE powered with the universal fuel LOVE!! Lovely Angel, TODAY let`s start our FLY as HUMAN ANGELS to a lovebased and likeminded ONESS!! We can NEVER fail: the Universe is GOD his name is LOVE and HOGGO is LOVE in the body of Holger, in every SINGLE CELL! to go ahead for sharing LOVE in the trueliest and loveliest, funniest, happy, emotiondriven, colourefull music and lovebased NOISE on the INTERNET! HOGGO´s Burning DESIRE to Go for ONESS based on the growing family of HUMAN ANGELS running with the same blood of Life: LOVE!last days and nights I was in the very near Future and it blows Me away still by taking my logicaol part of the brain, so I have made the decision, can lock the logical in jail, every single second I like to do! by reqaching a 100%, I will make NO FAILTURE anymore in Life, AND so can YOU!! trust ME!

again: HUMAN ANGELS, today 02.14.-2014 , Let`s FLY to ONESS, LOUD LIKE LOVE, tghe music I found by thinking about, will give it to you.

A short word, spoken from Bog Proctor, to all, who can realy find the point for changing direction, which is Most need on our planet in connection with Humans: CHANGE YOUR PARADIGM! please, cause I LOVE YOU! HOGGO

Let`s sharing Love by giving the most needed fuel to become successfull in Life, TRUE LOVE, powered by Human Angels, the developement from human beeing! see soo and LOVE YOU BIG! HOGGO

My Dreams in FLOW! and my LOVEPOWER grow!

My Dreams in FLOW! and my LOVEPOWER grow!

My lovely and likeminded backbone online, always showing me TRUE LOVE and so to YOU! as You know, today is the Day not only for the launch of VIEWTRAKR and better and more powerfull promoted and posted message, ALSO My message the wotrth and outcome is slow AND sustainable, filled with the knowledge for reaching THIS GOAL! Viewtrakr will be the best Plattform, for FLYING the battle online with the force of Human Angels! LET´s show YOUR LOVE! HOGGO

My Emotions from the last several offline hours, revolutionazed sharing online to the audiance need!:

VICTORY to ALL Human Problems WILL be our goal and VISION! as I felt since several days, 02.14.-2014-THE DAY of LOVE itself, universe send Me the the invitation filled with information, vibet by 100% lovefilled emotions , to Go ahead, as a perfect connected Holger/HOGGO, my next steps are cristall clear, like living in present!!: to get in touch with MY only second halfYIN(sina), getting the FUOLL potencial of HOGGOS real existents, means Humans body filled with Angels LOVE! every single thought or thinking about money, means to me to get in touch with NO NEEDED task and loose positive energy on OUR WAY to ONESS! As soon as possible, MONEY will NEVER be an ISSUE for ME!! inside I got it, so you will know outsite will follow soon and powerfull. Be Happy as an Human Angel every single part of a second and make from every fear you can find just a THRIVE powered with the universal fuel LOVE!! Lovely Angel, TODAY let`s start our FLY as HUMAN ANGELS to a lovebased and likeminded ONESS!! We can NEVER fail: the Universe is GOD his name is LOVE and HOGGO is LOVE in the body of Holger, in every SINGLE CELL! to go ahead for sharing LOVE in the trueliest and loveliest, funniest, happy, emotiondriven, colourefull music and lovebased NOISE on the INTERNET! HOGGO´s Burning DESIRE to Go for ONESS based on the growing family of HUMAN ANGELS running with the same blood of Life: LOVE!last days and nights I was in the very near Future and it blows Me away still by taking my logicaol part of the brain, so I have made the decision, can lock the logical in jail, every single second I like to do! by reqaching a 100%, I will make NO FAILTURE anymore in Life, AND so can YOU!! trust ME!

again: HUMAN ANGELS, today 02.14.-2014 , Let`s FLY to ONESS, LOUD LIKE LOVE, tghe music I found by thinking about, will give it to you.

A short word, spoken from Bog Proctor, to all, who can realy find the point for changing direction, which is Most need on our planet in connection with Humans: CHANGE YOUR PARADIGM! please, cause I LOVE YOU! HOGGO

Let`s sharing Love by giving the most needed fuel to become successfull in Life, TRUE LOVE, powered by Human Angels, the developement from human beeing! see soo and LOVE YOU BIG! HOGGO

My Dreams in FLOW! and my LOVEPOWER grow!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Viewtrakr Promote and Train!

EN pic

Are you jumping through hoops to share your Business on Facebook? Do you miss potential sales because you have been blocked or banned from posting what you want?

fb jail pic newWhat about all the shiny videos to distract prospects when they go to watch a you tube video? You want your prospects and downline to stay focused on YOU! We all do it when we see something we like and so will your prospects! Viewtrakr has Solved that Problem by giving you 4 spots for any youtube videos! They stay focused on what you are showing them and not lured in by someone else with prettier face of shiny background!


shy object pic

ViewTrakr Shirley Temple Tribute

ViewTrakr Shirley Temple Tribute

Shirley Temple Shirley Temple – Bright Eyes

Shirley Temple star of movies and TV, has sang and danced her way into our hearts for the last 82 years and We Loved Her!

Born  April 23, 1928,  Shirley Jane Temple became an American film icon, television actress, singer and dancer, that went on to be U.S. ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia.  Shirley served also, as Chief of Protocol of the United States, 1976–1977.

Her film career began in 1932 at the age of three, and in 1934, the feature film Bright Eyes, a movie especially designed to highlight her talents, was where she found international fame. Who couldn’t love that energetic little firecracker who could act, sing and dance? And who could forget that head full of curls “Shirley Temple Curls” every little girl had them.

Miss Temple worked for Educational Pictures, Tower Productions, Fox Films Corporation, Paramount, Universal and Warner Bros and in 1935 was awarded a miniature Juvenile Oscar for her 1934 film accomplishments.

Temple also was the recipient of awards and honors including Kennedy Center Honors and a Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award and ranks 18th on the American Film Institute‘s list of the greatest female American screen legends of all time.

Shirley Temple-Black was married twice, had 3 children, Linda, Charles and Lori.

I have found several Shirley Temple Classics and an 85th birthday tribute I am sure you will enjoy.

Shirley Temple-Black actor, diplomat and breast cancer survivor died February 10, 2014 of natural causes at her home surrounded by her family.

Good Ship LollipopShirley Temple – On The Good Ship Lollipop, Bright Eyes (1934)

Animal CrackersShirley Temple- Animal Crackers In My Soup. From the 1935 movie, Curly Top.

85th Birthday Tribute - Shirley Temple‘s 85th Birthday Tribute. Here is a special tribute movie that was made in celebration of, ‘Our Little Girl’-'The Little Princess’ with the ‘Curley Top’, ‘Dimples’ and ‘Bright Eyes’-Miss Shirley Temple!  May You Rest In Peace.

The Littlest Rebel – The Littlest Rebel – 1935, 20th Century Fox Full Movie.

If you would like to see these videos without the blog border CLICK HERE.

Shirley Temple

Shirley Temple is one of our Nation’s Greatest Treasures. #brighteyes #curleytop

Hope you have enjoyed seeing these clips as much as I have making this page and platform.

To learn more about how ViewTrakr can help promote you business PM me or click the VT link.

ViewTrakr Shirley Temple Tribute

Monday, February 10, 2014

ViewTrakr WTI Blog Posts

ViewTrakr WTI Blog Posts

Here is the body of the blog post. Put your content here. It’s good to have at least 250 words in a blog post. 400 is even better. It’s also a good idea to put some of your important keywords in the content and make the keyword BOLD. You can also put the keyword in italics.

It’s good to understand some of the basic elements of HTML. When you start using a WordPress Blog you can post that content in the WYSIWYG side “What You See Is What You Get”… But you can also use the “TEXT” tab which is actually meant for posting HTML.”

When you post in the WYSIWIG side, it automatically translates your standard text into paragraphs, as well as your BOLD, ITALICS, and UNDERLINES in HTML tags on the TEXT page. It also translates all your headings (HEADING 1, HEADING 2, HEADING 3) into HTML on the TEXT side.

Special Effects For ViewTrakr Pages

We do something special with the ViewTrakr Page on WTI. We use DIV tags and IFRAME tags to EMBED an entire Viewtrakr page into the WTI Blog Post. We do this because we want people to see the blog post and the Viewtrakr Page ranking on Google for our chosen ViewTrakr KeyWord Phrase.

We also include a link to our ViewTrakr page that you see below in order to allow the search engine spiders and crawlers to find the link and crawl it so they can index the actual ViewTrakr page more quickly. Every time you post a blog post on WTI it automatically gets sent to GOOGLE and BING in the form of an updated “SITEMAP.XML file”, but each post is also sent out to multiple PING sites that get crawled on a regular basis by search engines from all over the web.

If you would like to watch this video without the blog border CLICK HERE.

The div tags above work with predefined CSS Styles to properly size according to the device on which they are displayed. That includes Mobile devices with small screens. The WTI website is a fulyl responsive and sizeable website that displays well on mobile devices and low resolutions.

The code inside the IFRAME tags is the standard code for displaying external content inside your page. We have determined that a ViewTrakr Page displays best on WTI blog posts (FULL WIDTH) of 1100 and height of 750 pixels. All you really have to do is copy the whole post here and change out the numbers for your ViewTrakr post and change out the content above and below however you would like it to diplsay.

You can browse completed examples of blog posts on Work To Inspire to see different ways to publish your posts and ideas to make them better.

It’s also important that we include a picture in the blog post, so that we can use the “ALT TEXT” field to include our keywords in one more way inside the post content. Search Engines look at pictures as well and index them for search engine results. In order to get the picture like below to display automatically in the blog roll at full size it’s important to put a nice large picture into the Featured Image section of the blog post.

You can also link every single picture on your blog post to be a hotlink for your ViewTrakr registration or to your ViewTrakr page. It’s totally up to you where the links get sent. So let’s talk about what links look like as well, in WordPress and in HTML.

How And Why You Should Blog For Your Business. ViewTrakr and WTI

When you post a new post on the Work To Inspire Blog, it automatically posts to several Social Networks associated with the Work To Inspire website. Think of WTI as a syndication platform for your content. You can also check the pictures checkbox in the TOP RIGHT of your post for each picture you want to be pushed out to PINTEREST. It’s not automated quite yet. But it is one simple step. Of course additionally you can post links to your post on your own social networks by using the social network icons above your posted blog on Work To Inspire.

Be sure to choose a category on the right (I.E. ViewTrakr), and scroll down to fill out the ALL IN ONE SEO PACK section.  That will give your post a title, description and keywords that match your desired keyword phrases which will be crawled and indexed by the Search Engine crawlers and displayed in Search Engine Results. Notice the Preview Snippet.

I always fill out my blog keywords first with commas separating the words or phrases, then I copy and paste those keywords to my tags section of the blog post. Then click ADD and that part is done, which saves you that much more time retyping them in again.

You may want to finish your post with some closing information about how to contact you, how awesome your business and/or team is, or anything you like?

ViewTrakr WTI Blog Posts

ViewTrakr Space A Travel

What do you know about Space A Travel? Space A (Available) Travel, DoD 4515.13-R, is a benefit that is available to Department of Defense Civilian employees, Contractors, Boy Scout Leaders, USO Athletes & Entertainers, Jr & Reg ROTC cadets, teachers, foreign military, the media, and non profit organizations. This benefit currently does not apply to 100% P/T-SC (permanent total/service connected) Disabled Veterans. It was taken from them in 1989. And although the politicians have continued to make promises, they have been empty promises.

The 100% P/T-SC Disabled Veterans are not looking for anything more than what they were promised when they swore an oath to defend the United States of America with their life. Take a look at the following tracks and then take action.

  • Space A Travel: a high level look into the process of how Space A Travel works

  • On 6/13/2013, Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) introduced an amendment to H.R. 1960, the NDAA Act.

  • For You – Military Tribute; music by Keith Urban

  • I Fought for you

If you would like to view these videos in full screen without the border Click Here.

I hope you have learned a little about this ViewTrakr in support of the Space A Travel Petition. Share with your friends and family. Please leave comments below. Thanks for taking the time to view these videos and don’t forget to sign the petition.
Authentic American Flag Stitched Stars

ViewTrakr Space A Travel

Sunday, February 9, 2014

ViewTrakr - Dance The Tango

Viewtrakr – Dance The Tango


According to Wikipedia, “Tango is a style of ballroom dance music in 2/4 or 4/4 time that originated among European immigrant populations of Argentina and Uruguay.”  In the late 1800′s it spread from Argentina and Uruguary throughout the world. It can be instrumental or include voices. The dance itself is very sensual and beautiful. In competition, it has a very stylized form.

These are a few of my favorite Tango dance videos and includes an all vocal Acapella rendition by the Swingle Singers. Look for an upcoming viewtrakr page on the Swingle Singers alone!

  • LA CUMPARSITA by Gerardo Matos Rodriguez

  • Piazzolla ‘Libertango’ by Piazzolla Sung by the Swingle Singers

  • Tango Santa Maria

  • Piazzolla: Libertango danced by Tango Harmany

If you would like to view these videos in full screen without the border Click Here.

I hope you enjoyed these ViewTrakr Dance The Tango videos.  Share with your friends and family.  Please leave comments below. Thanks for taking the time to view these videos

Dance The Tango Dance The Tango




ViewTrakr - Dance The Tango

Friday, February 7, 2014

How To Improve ALEXA Rating For A Page

How Do I Improve My Alexa Rank For My Blog

Alexa is an important ranking tool. An improved rank in Alexa means that more people in internet marketing industry are visiting your page. It also makes others in the industry take note of what you are doing. Check out the comparison of Alexa ranking below to see how Work To Inspire is faring against some other popular businesses.

Alexa ViewTrakr Rank Climbing Fast!

Now how is this happening? It is a little known secret that the Alexa rank is affected by having people visit your site that ALREADY have the Alexa Toolbar installed. If you want to boost your website Alexa ranking follow the instructions below.

Install the Alexa Tool Bar

(You can install the toolbar here.)

You can also encourage any friends or family who visit your blog to install the Alexa toolbar on their computers.

You will be amazed at how fast your rank will drop just by implementing this one, simple tip.

Comment on Other Blogs

The average Joe doesn’t know about the Alexa rank, but since most bloggers measure their rank they will have the toolbar installed. If you comment on a lot of other blogs in your niche, chances are they will come back to your blog and return the favor.

This is the main method I have used to lower my Alexa ranking. My blog is about 6 months old and has an Alexa hovering around 200,000. Everyday my rank consistently drops a little lower.

You get added points with this technique. Your Alexa rank will lower, all while building valuable connections with fellow bloggers.

Alexa is Not Just Important to You

Your Alexa rank is not just important to you. If part of your blog monetization strategy is direct advertising then lowering your Alexa rank is critical. Different advertisers look for different metrics. I have been contacted by some that base their pricing primarily off of Alexa rank and I have seen others that pay no attention to it.

If you are interested in direct advertising you need to be aware of your rankings.

Click Here To Get Current Alexa Ranking for

How To Improve ALEXA Rating For A Page

Jerky Direct, Fun-Unique-Simple-Support

Jerky Direct Great products, Awesome Opportunity

“…at some point you need to get involved with at least one viable company that will be here for years to come.”

Take a look at what is offered here. A great product, Professional grade marketing tools, An awesome team of people here to support your efforts.

There is no need for a long sales pitch, the product speaks for itself, the business model and opportunity are straight forward and profitable. Take a look at what is offered, you just might want to be involved, or at least try a few bags of Buffalo or beef Jerky from Jerky Direct.

Jerky Direct, Fun-Unique-Simple-Support

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Viewtrakr SEO

Viewtrakr is the many faceted video sharing platform.

When we advertise our Business we want people to see our ads. Google search has become the mainstream way to find information. It is important to be in a prominent place or you are lost to the vast majority of people.

wti ranking pic



Viewtrakr is a great way to advertise but they do not have any way within their system for Google to find them. Here at we have implemented a system that allows our viewtrakr pages to rank in the Google searches!

Google #1 ranking for viewtrakr page where have all the flowers gone Google #1 ranking for viewtrakr page where have all the flowers gone


Greg Eddolls has developed Work To Inspire into a groundbreaking community. He has many videos for many opportunities and these focus on Viewtrakr and the SEO Opportunity he has developed for Viewtrakr!

Viewtrakr SEO

Jerky Direct Jerky Direct

Add your link to the JD page at WTI. Getting active and working together to drive our Jerky Direct business. Great healthful snacks, easy to use tools, and the great teamwork and people here at Work To Inspire.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Want To See ViewTrakr Explode Even More? You Can Help

Want To See ViewTrakr Explode Even More?

You Can Help

As you may know already, installing the Alexa Toolbar in your browser and visiting the website of your choice every day helps the Alexa Ranking of that website. Staying on the website for longer periods of time increases the “Time Per Visit” portion of the Alexa algorithm.


Yes, if you have a blog of your own or if you know someone who does and you can get them to link from their website to it will boost not only the Alexa Ranking of ViewTrakr, but the overall authority of the website.

How do you create a backlink?

First of all you need to know that the URL itself needs to be 

If you are using WordPress or a blog that allows you to link by clicking a button and then pasting in a URL….then copy and paste this URL somewhere on your website. Highlight some text, click the link button, and paste in the link. Those of you who know how to do this already…. GET BUSY!

If you do not know how to do this yet or you need to create the link manually. It should look like this on the HTML side of your website.

<a href=””>Put Your Link Text Here</a>

Copy this code above and paste it into your HTML view of your website. Change the text that says, ‘Put Your Link Text Here” and put your own words in there. This can be put in the middle of a paragraph or you can make it a header within your website pages or blog posts.

Let’s get together as a COMMUNITY and support the common business which we are building inside of VIEWTRAKR.


Greg Eddolls

Owner/Webmaster/Platform Developer

(928) 925-8679

ViewTrakr, BackLinks, Instructions, Alexa Rank, Site Authority



Want To See ViewTrakr Explode Even More? You Can Help

Monday, February 3, 2014

ViewTrakr Entrepreneurs

ViewTrakr Entrepreneurs

I love to watch TEDtalks videos like Raising Entrepreneurs,  they are always informative, trendy and entertaining.  Entrepreneurs are a special breed of people who think outside the common box and put ideas and thoughts into action to pursue and realize the dream of making their own financial destiny.  

Raising Entrepreneurs – Bored in school, failing classes, at odds with peers: “This child might be an entrepreneur, says Cameron Herold.  At TEDxEdmonton, he makes the case for parenting and education that helps would-be entrepreneurs flourish — as kids and as adults. Let’s Raise Kids to Be Entrepreneurs.

The Last Day of My Life – “If today were the last day of my life” Interview with Entrepreneurs and head of  APPLE Steve Jobs.

10 Time-Saving Tech Tips – Tech columnist David Pogue shares 10 simple, clever tips for computer, web, smartphone and camera users on a TEDtalks pod cast.

And yes, you may be familiar a few of these already — but there’s probably at least one you aren’t.

Why we do what we do. Tony Robbins discusses the “invisible forces” that make us do what we do — and high-fives Al Gore in the front row.

If you would like to watch this video without the blog border CLICK HERE.


Thank you for reading ViewTrakr Entrepreneurs.

ViewTrakr Entrepreneurs

Sunday, February 2, 2014



Eclectic Music

This viewtrakr page is about eclectic music. What do I mean by eclectic music?  In this case I am talking about a varied selection of music from different genres – animusic and a Russian song sung in German (No idea what genre this belongs in!). The Russian piece might be considered nationalist.


The three animusic pieces are from different times within that category. So, what is animusic? Basically it is computer generated music and movement with the music driving movement. In general it is also know as electronic music.

Normally I would not even bother to listen to this music. However,a friend put together a viewtrakr page of animusic about in October or November 2013 and as a courtesy, I did listen to it . Well, to make a long story short, I found that I enjoyed this music. I did not realize that one of the pieces in my Viewtrakr Eclectic Music selection was an early electronc pop instrumental piece until I began researching this project. It was very popular in the late 60s and 70s. In fact, it is still enjoyable and has some popularity today. Here are the four selections for Viewtrakr Eclectic Music:


Published 2012.”Popcorn” is an early electronic pop instrumental, originally composed by Gershon Kingsley in 1969 on his album Music to Moog By. There have been many versions of this song but this is one of the most popular.

Resonant Chamber

Animusic HD – Resonant Chamber (1080p) by Alexandre Dobruski


Homebrew Animusic – Jack Fina’s Bumble Boogie by Pear4d & AlbU2B (2009)

Dschinghis Khan – Moskau

This is the first verse only (total 4 verses) of this piece. As I said earlier this is probably a Russian nationalist song. Lyrics-

Moscow – strange and mysterious,
Towers of red gold,
cold as ice.
Moscow – but who really knows you ,
who knows a fire burning in you so hot .
Cossacks, hey, hey , hey emptied the glasses !
Natascha ha, ha, ha, you ‘re beautiful !
To your health brother hey brother ho!

If you would like to see this in full screen, CLICK HERE.

I hope you enjoyed these selections in Viewtrakr Eclectic Music ! Please share with your friends and family and leave your comments below! Thanks for taking your time to view and listen to my page.

Viewtrakr Eclectic Music Viewtrakr Eclectic Music










Viewtrakr When Resistance Becomes Duty

Josie the Outlaw delivers a powerful message on resistance to the corrupt and tyrannical government that controls more and more of our daily lives. It is time to stand up and say NO MORE to the tyrants.

Josie the Outlaw Videos On Viewtrakr

Why Good People Should Be Armed A common sense comparison to the use of firearms, chainsaws, airbags, etc. Why gun control doesn’t protect you or your family from the bad guys.

Prison by Any Other Name Open your eyes and mind to the danger of centralized education and the damage this system is doing to our children, their future and the future of humanity.

Message to Police The police state is out of control; law enforcement officers need to make a decision. At what point will you draw the line and stop inflicting harm on innocence people? Only tyrants can be rebels, not dissenters or resistors.

When Resistance is Duty Stand up and put in an end to tyranny. If not you, then who??

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Josie the Outlaw

Viewtrakr When Resistance Becomes Duty